Friday, March 1, 2024

from previous was a beautiful autumn evening,  the sun shone far in the distant mountain range  casting its golden glow  over the landscape grown with trees  already  yellowing in autumn lending  its radiance to them,  several  young  boys appeared  on the road,  some  walking others riding bicycles,  returning from  playing football  , all of them  went  homewards  leaving the road  vacant.  at six   a car  entered the driveway of the judge,  a man dressed in hospital green uniform  got out from the car carrying two  heavy bags  to walk towards the porch,  he was a man of medium built  , his hair  sprinkled with  salt pepper,  fox stopped him  near the front stains and asked if he could help him in any way 
Certainly I hope so,  are you Neil 
Why do you want to know 
I am fox  and working in the courts  come from New York city to find out some missing official details 
Who wants to know  asked Neil putting down the bags 
Bar council management 
Perhaps the judge didn't want his registration done 
Management finds his silence  worrying he is a retired judge 

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