Wednesday, March 20, 2024

khad o khal

...just after hanya was married she came to know  her husband was  involved in unlawful  activities,  he was the  head of a group,  the group consisted of twelve members  and all of them   were dancers  in the movies,  it was  a cover up and paid little  and it was   now and then job, mostly they remained out of job,  Nikki who was naqash  hanya knew him  as Nikki,  almost every day  he would  carry  heavy  stack of money  home,  they lived in a luxury flat was  naturally  highly costly,  the staff was  there to do the chores,  a most  expensive car  was present in the  parking,  they were married only two years,  they still were childless,  a few months ago  the doctors  declared  naqaash incurable,  hanya felt very happy  , in the  film industry  their social circle  was   full of free  flirtatious attractive girls,  he was always surrounded with  them,  , his was  a most  mesmerizing  personality,  hanya stayed  in fear of losing him,   doubting  he might  take another woman  for  progeny,  but  now she was  relieved  , he was  forever tied up to her 
He was  an  awesome dancer but  his looks were not  getting him any films, , he was a good actor,   his face  and skin had a dainty delicate  texture not what the  directors wanted  for their  heroes 

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