Monday, March 4, 2024

kata hua haath

....he was merely a small  general doctor practicing in a street  clinic who never was troubled nor illtreated by anyone  found himself  in a condition  definitely a divine   play, overnight windfall  and he became a  legal heir to surgeon Martin  inherited  all their movable and nonmoveable  properties,  it was common knowledge there were five other relatives  hoping to get all that waiting for the Martin's to die 
Uncle and aunt were regular church goers, they were staunch  faithful believers and  servants of God and volunteers of charity,  seeing how much they were spending  their  relatives  began  to calculate how much wealth they owned,  he was informed by the church pastor and family friend lawyer of his Uncle  about the will,  that  a few months just before Uncle Martin died he had called the pastor and the lawyer home and finalized the will   and legally testified and both signed  as witnesses,  like the others he too was  completely  unaware of the will, people began talking  about  Uncle  hearing of the will  though the gossip  was absolutely wrong ,  he had  recently two years ago  emotionally come closer to Uncle  , this wasn't  any  reason to will his all to him , true he had done his very best for his Uncle  but then Uncle had  left him  all his wealth unexpectedly  in turn  

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