Saturday, July 26, 2008

Anger Management
For some time therapists have believed that anger is OK - in fact, many therapists still believe that it's good to get angry once in a while. Around fifteen years ago in Japan it was discovered that around 10,000 executives were dying every year from overwork (Karoshi) and they traced the cause to excessive, but suppressed, anger. So they created 'anger rooms' in the basements of their office blocks, padded the walls and put a baseball bat in the room. They told executives, that if they felt anger coming on they should go to the room and just hit the walls with the bat as hard, and as much, as they wanted in order to get the anger out of their system. Two years later they measured the results. The amount of anger had increased. Why? After much head scratching (thinking) they eventually realized that people who were going to the rooms regularly were practicing getting angry and simply reinforcing the habit. The message - don't suppress, don't repress and don't express your anger - transform it.

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