--time is priceless, its value is understood only by the very efficient in work, nations rise when they become punctual, doing right thing at the right moment, utilizing time properly , one achieves their mission and plans are worked out to their proper finish if time is used correctly or there is no achievement to pride on, progress in every field needs time used properly, wasted time is waste of energy
--it is wrongly believed that to reduce weight one must avoid eating rice because it is rice that makes one fat, but in ayurvedic system all cures have special diets including only rice , scientifically proven that polished rice is good to digestion, cleanses liver of its impurities ,
-spinach is good leafy vegetable high in iron content and purifies blood system, lessens weight
--eating with fingers can add more contentment , a feel of wholesomeness that does not come from eating with spoons, using fingers help check the temperature of food, whether its cold or hot , half cooked or over cooked, hard or soft , , mind gets more satisfaction out of it
--shagufta was helpless, not asif, it was her smile that had encouraged him, one day as she lay reading a book under a tree a letter tied to a stone dropped near her, it was a cell number in big letters, with his signing off --your asif only , she also knew the boy opposite was asif , her deep meaningful smile on her face was reward in itself
--sardar diwan singh was a press reporter editor, who was easy going and quickly admitted his errors, once when his assistant was absent who was more well read and updated on current affair and general knowledge , sardar singh got it published in the press tha Egypt was one big Asian country, when his assistant returned by then the edition was published and the mistake was also printed, when sardar diwan singh learnt Egypt was not in asia but in Africa he laughed out heartily and remarked it was no big problem, if he did not it the public also wont know of it either