Friday, November 20, 2015

page 65--

Image result for german flowers-he  was  crying, an  old  dying  man, who  had  realized  he  had  sons  who  did  not  care  for  him, his  wife  and  his  daughter  in law  stood  near  him as  he  cried, looking  at  a  picture  hidden from them, talking  to  the  picture  that  he  had  always  loved  it, always  missed  being  together, in his  youth, in the  days  when they  should  have  been together, now  he  was  dying  and  remembered  those  days, old  wife  snatched  the  picture  from his  hands  to  tear  it  in thousand  pieces  but  when she  saw  whose  picture  it  was  she  turned  a  statue

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