Saturday, September 19, 2020

page 28...

......manna was eating her ice cream and her tongue was also working overtime,  she asked she was already forgotten and what more will happen when the bride comes home,  ammi and Fahim  came to  sit with her noticing  aunt had gone back home, manna was happy to know of her brother's  job and the reason of his sudden disappearance,  she felt bad she was the last to know of what was happening,  Fahim laughed at manna  that she will make a typical sister in law,  but she was right because without sharing  and without a word  Fahim had visited  aunt phuphu,s house, he even  forgot to  distribute sweets to celebrate,  but he quickly covered up his mistake by  declaring it was a night of feasting  and they all were invited, ammi cheerfully  joined him seconding  the feast  as a family get together  they had skipped  for a long time   she asked what would they want to have for dinner,  in one voice all said she will not cook , it was fahim,s  party and so only he  will arrange  it

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