Friday, September 18, 2020

page 31....

.....taimur leaned against  several pillows on the  ciarse cotton cot , it was a massive old fashioned  cot, he was covered with a simple sheet  and leaving his wounds  on the lower legs  exposed, his legs were  bandaged,  tge bullet was extracted out of his body, he had list lots of blood and his condition was quite serious, but he was alive still,  life was flickering  and kept him going, the room was very spacious   the walls were plastered with mud, the yellow  lime colour was  painted on them, besides  his cot a few chairs and tables were arranged,   the doors and windows were  covered with heavy  curtains,  nit a sound  could be heard from outside,   latif sahib lifting tge doir curtain to a side  entered the room asking him how he was feeling,  taimur quickly asked him where was hamad, Latifah explained hamad was safe and so was taimur 

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