Saturday, September 26, 2020

page 31....

....fahim as was his  habit of grumbling  repeated he gad so many times tried to convince  khala  to arrange  the function at home instead of marriage hall, right outside the house near the door were being fixed  tents with a  special  welcome  gate for the arriving guests,,  all arrangements were  completed and  perfect,  tables chairs dr8nk8ng water and water for  washing hands with soap and clean towels  all were in their place,  
Zaya looking around at all the surroundings asked fahim to get ready, fah8m left for his home  to freshen up and change  as zaya stayed back  to see what else was left to be done,  he was supervising  and his presence was most necessary or workers get confused,  he sat down on a near by chair  and relaxed his head against the back of the chair,  he was so tired,  suddenly he heard  tge voice he had been missing  for so long,  manna was standing  behind the wall asking for fahim,  she must have come looking for her brother,  in a second  zaya was standing opposite her, all his tiredness vanished in a second,  he saw how sweet adorable manna was, her aura and presence  filled him with a  positive  energy,  ever since her van drriver was back zaya missed seeing her, missed picking her up and  dropping her  ather college , he many a times  got ready to leave  his office  to reach her college just to remember  she was niw on her own,  but he missed  seeing her ,

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