Wednesday, September 16, 2020

page 29....

.....someone shouted  to Rashid and Salim to stop asking them to  see who just now ran past them,  the silence in the street was shattered by the running echoing  feet, the same race  began again  of chasing and escaping,  the first round of which had ended in samanabad, hamad  again broke into  wild  sobs,  and taimur holding the crying  child into a bundle in his arms was on the run,   the air exploded with the first  shot  being fired,  it was just then  that taimur turned the corner, but the bullet brushed past him  hissing,   he was the target  and tge enemy was weaving patterns around him, they gad in samanabad also fired several times on him, apparently they were desperate to kill him to get hold of neena, s child,  they already had killed meena and hajra

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