Thursday, August 4, 2022

page 12

... the  hit of the ball and  mental stress  defeated  nadim,  by next morning he was gripped by high fever,  he needed complete rest and  mental peace but he was  kept busy and couldn't take  the needed rest,  shamina was taking full care of him,  but  she was very dry and mechanical,  she avoided spending time with him, , she got quickly  irritable  seeing nadim,  her annoyance and  indifference showed clearly on her face,  both were  aware of each other's feelings and  moods , bitterness  between  enlarged the divide  
In nadim  s house   the wedding function celebration of his son  was at it's  height,  shabra had arrived with her child  to stay,  shamina  s  shopping activities  increased aggressively,  last moment  hyper action seemed  never lasting,  women folk of the family spent eight hours shopping,  , they returned home after nine at night  fully  loaded with  heavy  shoppers,  all of them so utterly tired that   it would get difficult for them to take a step further,  finding it impossible to climb upstairs,  dumping their   load they would  get  engaged in argument 
Nadim started to get tired of them and their habits,  he stated uninvolved  indifferent and  didn't mix with others,  that day  also he got completely  tired and stressed listening to them argue about political matters and shopkeepers,  there were some  wedding invitations kept  on the  side table by his bed,  shamina  had along with Anam, shabra and Ahmed  distributed the cards to all,  only these few were left 

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