Tuesday, August 23, 2022

page 68

...she kept on walking on the rail track,  her eyes  flooding with tears,  rail tracks help thousands of passengers every day to reach their destination  but  she had no destination before her  nowhere to go  no direction,  her tears  incessantly   dimmed her vision,  her mind  was exploding,  was this really possible,  could this really be happening 
Can someone fall down to such low level 
Are relationships so brittle and meaningless
 is life  so important to save it one  can cross all the limits 
And if it is common  then why is all this happening with her after all
What went wrong from her side that she was being punished so severely 
Now what should she do,  where could she go how could she  survive,  innumerable questions  danced around  her mind  teasing her, challenging her, if possible  she must solve them all find solutions to the surrounding  her problems 

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