Monday, August 22, 2022

page 67

...Alexander  s real name was  sikander khan,  his attitude was funny, he was quite daring and a strong  boxer, , weight lifting champion,  , he  could easily fight twelve   attackers alone,  he was an expert excellent  shooter,  he loved weapons,  he could  shoot his target blindfolded,   the   matter for concern rose when  six foot  four inch tall giant  of a man  the pathan trembled in fright  on the mention of ghosts, galib another body guard  took advantage of this  matter,  actually he was  his cook and driver but before sikander he tried to prove himself  a better  than him  bodyguard,  galib was pretty slim , six foot two inches  tall and was quite a dangerous package,  he was  a karate master,  he  was  highly intuitive  with his sixth sense  quite active,  , he was really a good cook, , his real name was salman,   but he was called galib for his poetic  interest between  sadaf s talent of poetry and skills of cooking  her poetry was more explosive,  sadaf was p a cup dress designer  teacher and friend,  she was a trained  computer  professional and expert in English,  baba had   discovered such rare gems  , worked on them, polished them and  trimmed them groomed tgem before handing them over 

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