Sunday, April 7, 2024

from previous

....what happened with you aima,  asked  Maha hundreds of times  , what could she say the poor woman,  what happened with her,  she was in love  , in the first glance  and  after that love at first sight she never saw him again,, never did she speak with him,   feeling of strange  emotions  filled her life,  an odd disappointment  she was unable to  share it with anybody,  there wasn't anything to tell,  she looked at Maha with wide  vacant eyes 
Maha got worried perhaps something  was wrong in her family,  some problem,  her brother was married two months already,  how much  planning  was done for his wedding  , sge would do this  , she would have things done that way but all her plans were  failed,  nothing felt good 
A flicker of hope  was  manza  that ended with the  arrival of the last guest,  manza was ushered  as the bride to sit down next to Farhan, aima   looked at the  entrance door  and then towards  the smiling  face of manza  sitting on the stage with the groom,  she lost her patience  and  with her distorted  expression  came to sit by her side 
Appi, she bent to call her  but manza was  engrossed is talking with farman,, manza turned  to face aima who asked her curiously if manza had  remembered to invite  him   aima looked troubled  but  outwardly  managed to  give a smile 
Who do you mean 
Taqi naushera 
What for , he was just  a class fellow,  that's all 

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