Tuesday, April 9, 2024

page 139

...in the evening  he was  called  by gul,  he had to pick her up from the hostel,  before starting his bike  he tilted it and  gave it a shake,  the fuel tank was empty 
She emerged from the  women's hostel  , she looked even more  lovelier in the sunset , she  felt his etes on her face  and  her rose complexion turned red, she came to sit on the back seat and asked what was he staring at, 
Her fragrance,  her  hair kept lovingly on her shoulders and her  white  pigeon smooth  hands  pressed on his shoulder  were all intoxicating,  he  started the bike and asked if she would like to hear  lies
She asked in her stylish attitude  what lies
He continued he was  admiring her and  was  envious of himself 
And what exactly is truth 
He said he was  thinking how  smart mustaches  the hostel  guard  had
Laughing she leaned closer to him and rested her head on his back 
He realized she was in a wonderful mood and asked where should they go 
Anywhere nice 
Like my flat
She  pinched him hard 
, since when is  his flat a nice place 
Be couldn't  even rub the  pinched spot
When you  came into my life   life became beautiful,  when you  come to my flat it will also become a nice place 
Enough,  keep that butter pack shut in your pockets 
, first let's go to the supermarket 

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