Saturday, June 26, 2021

from previous....

....every time  sge got ready to go out  shopping  with  husband  appa ordered her to stay home  and cook something  special  that  was laboriius  , showing  surprise  on  her  dress up as if she was seeing a ghost,   what will she  do in the  market,  every one knows   women  enjoy  dressing up to be admired   and tgey love  shopping  naturally  she didn't  get ready  to go out with husband  to sit  for  an examination appa  would  decisively  remind  her just  a couple of days ago  she gad been  shopping  now  it was her turn  to do the washing  , appa liked to one by one count all the items  last time  she had bought   with their price  tags,  sarmdtaj   stood mute witness scowling  at  her spendthrift  nature,  he would steal  his glances  when wife asked  appa  how did  she know all the details of her shopping  when appa was not with her nor did she share her details with her nor did she show her any of her shoppers 

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