Sunday, February 13, 2022

!page 111...

.... God actually wants to wipe out the poor,  she was telling  amma, the poor  population   was decreasing , survival on starvation is impossible  , her comment  made amma  offer a silent prayer before she explained  almighty was the only provider  and an insect also finds something to live on, bugs in hidden nooks get their grubs,  He alone is the Master  of all species So there was no chance  He would  overlook  humans  specially  tge faithful,  she must mind ger tongue   said zeenat 
Amma  He is already getting rid off them 
Zeenat  had believed  Rahat was quite  wise but  what turned her so against  almighty  that she  was endlessly  complaining 
Because He is unfair 
Saying her line she stuffed her mouth with  the last morsel   salted and dipped in spices
Go on your knees  ask for  His  forgiveness almighty   is all powerful    praiseworthy,   we must be delivered from the evil 
Amma  almighty is choosy and  favors the rich and ignores the kind of us
Zeenat was stunned helpless  at rafat  , what had set into her awful mind 

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