Wednesday, February 2, 2022

page 35...

.....she had answered her  ammi bitterly  it was her life and  wherever she went  whatever she did  it was her fate from which there was no escape,  some days later  saima informed her of ammi  s demise,  against  ratan s  wishes she reached  mother's home to see ger face for the last time,  there she happened to  see  ashman,  he was still there  having discarded her, , sending  off ammi  to her final  resting place  she  had left,  she  had a grudge against  saima  who had  been  telling her all about her family  but kept  it from her that  ashman was accepted as family,  she broke off all ties with  them all once again 
Rayan thundered  if she  had met her x  and  told him how much she missed him and how much  rayan  harassed her  hitting her before  qamar  their son accusing her abusively but this time she didn't stay silent,  she hit him back and  called him names,  throwing back tge same  things he had flung  at her,   the  four year old  hid himself scared 

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