Sunday, February 6, 2022

page 43...

.....give me some money  said Qamar
Without a word she opened her purse   took out three hundred  and handed him
He was not begging for alms , it was merely a pittance,  Qatar demanded for more,  because she didn't want to create a scene  she put tge three hundred back in  to her purse to hand him one thousand  note this time,  he looked at the  money and then at her , she never  had before given him so much  so easily 
He enjoyed irritating her , had  her cell gone low on power, she remained silent,  she argued she had given him the money  now  what was his problem   ,  he needed her assurance  from her from  her tongue  that was uncomfortably  long and wagging,  mahi was shocked  at him, was this  Qatar, what did he care, something gad really changed in this one week,   he shrugged and left her to herself,  she went to stand before the mirror,  the phone on her bed began buzzing,  it was a secure number so she  answered it, , asking rashid  how was he sge sat down on her bed,  hearing  something from him  she sprang up to her feet, shutting off  she quickly called  manwar telephonically  , when could he come  she asked  seriously,  feeling the urgency he decided to reach  her place  as quickly as possible 

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