Wednesday, February 16, 2022

page 125...

....sabin pursed her lips and  sat ashamed  offended  after mother had humiliated her , that  adan was leaving home  added fuel to  flames,  it was  his decision,  she looked at sabin  complainingly,  as if asking  her  wordlessly  if she was happy now,  , if sge was satisfied  and rage cooled off, , but not a word was uttered,  adan was also not stopped  from  going away,  , sabin had never  wanted this to  happen,  , she was merely  angry  at his  interfering  in her life and home,   annoyed  that her mother trusted  a stranger  in their house   to let him  control  their  lives,  though mother was so   careful  by her nature  but  the stranger  had somehow managed to  influence mother  that she  seemed to follow all his instructions,  something  was  escaping  from  sabin s  observation,  she was unable to catch    the point  , she felt  everyone had a right to protect  himself  and sge must stop him  from distracting sabin and her mother,   , he explained  he  was not demanding  advance  rent  ,  her situation  became even  more  precarious  , she could not   get a chance  to explain herself,, adan  saw both of them exchange glances,  he nodded  and assuring  them  went back to his room,  sabin was left standing  uncertain  looking  from  him to mother  and back  to him,  the matter was closed 

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