Saturday, April 23, 2022

from previous

...after  tge whole conversation  Sheila looked at sikander she had  spoken to  mamu that very evening,  a few days later  saira was called for the interview,  saura surprised the board committee with her exceptional  and outstanding  capabilities   though she had no experience  of job , ,Sheila offered to pick her up to office  and drop her back home,  both sikander and  Sheila  encouraged ber to go back to work  as a professional  banker where she had proved herself  the best,  sikander even apologized  for  inventing rafiq sahib   but it was Sheila from who he had taken her number,  he had  his bank account in the same bank where  Sheila worked and  became friends 
But what reason  got you asking for  saira  s number,  sikander  and Sheila were  close intimate partners and  he enquired  about her  and  Sheila gave him all her details  and the number,  he then wished  to see her and so the whole thing followed  systematically,  he offered to take her to a psychiatrist  who would help her unlock  her  mind but he wouldn't  push her to see  a psychiatrist  against her wish, saira nodded her consent,  Sheila  explained  saura was given the job by ber and had net just one day before   the interview six months ago,  both  had become informal  and friendly  without  any  formality  very frank and  straightforward,  saira agreed to  be  informal  with her, Sheila added  tomorrow  both will  go to work together  and if they did not behave  as before and  treated each other differently  the employees would begin to suspect them

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