Sunday, April 24, 2022

page 21...

...the haveli of asfandyar  was decorated  for the night function to celebrate ten years of his second marriage  with mahi, ,   his first wife had died whose son was sikander,, most of the  guests for the occasion had arrived,  mahi was attending to them,  she was the hostess  but welcoming the guests sge fumed for asfandyar  still wasn't  around,  she  reached his room  in rage why was he still there,  he turned to look at her blaming her brother  afzaal who  spoiled all the fun,  he was going back to Cecily  to participate in a  lecture  but husband was annoyed at another point,  he had called him to talk over an issue  she could stay to see for herself what  exactly did he do,  he was packing up to leave,  he was  told  to meet asfandyar  before catching his flight,   he asked her why did she  come  to the room  she must play the hostess  welcoming the guests,  e could later share his  troubles with her, stamping her foot she left him  alone,  , five minutes  later afzaal came in, he was sixty and  elder to mahi, afzaal   quietly asked what was it 
Eight years ago asfandyar  glaring  at him said he was given a task 
What task  afzaal had always  completed all the tasks 
Saira asfandyar  explained  was the  task 
But  what made you  remember her now 
She is still alive  he minced the words
Afzaal  had  sold her  off and she must be a living dead either in North or south America  with  a blank mind 
Saira is alive and fine and in Karachi 

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