Saturday, April 30, 2022

from previous... lady Halden  present 
It was heard she was  going  abroad 
Is Charlotte  present 
So you know her too, she is supposed to be in London 
Antonia hesitated   could she ask sheldon to go back home to check on Halden 
It wasn't possible,  she had erred  she asked for forgiveness,  she had a fertile imagination of a writer and  she found  her imagination running  awry,  Antonia changed the topic on tbe cruel  laughter,  , there was a need to  question her  if she was ready  for that,  was it odd that her pair of glasses were  in the same place she had left 
Was it supposed to be a joke of some kind 
Antonia  gestured towards  pine and the phone was put on the speaker 
She was  feeling  upset about it  ,she didn't know how it all happened,  she usually keeps her glasses in the bedside drawer but it's gone missing,  her paper knife and brooch also are not found,  she is worried  what mischief  
spirits are making,  how did you guess her glasses were missing 
What were you doing  in saggragan 
Well it's a most beautiful place  to enjoy solitude  and  nice location with bungalows available on rent,  she browsed lady Halden  site of last year  and reached the spot,  she found it perfect for her creative writings 
Is that  somehow  related to your  childhood  
Not at all
Do you know lady Halden 
Yes, I v  met her once,  what a pleasant and kind person she is and if you are asking we ever have met before  so the answer is no 
Aren't you forgetting something 
There is nothing to forget about it 
Are you an orphan 
No, my parents are still alive 
Is Charlotte sheldon your friend and you two lived together 
Do you know her too, of course we are good friends 
Does she believe her step mother is old fashioned woman 
Right, but who told you that 
Lady Halden did not like it, she still looks young and attractive  nit at all old fashioned,  she took out a knife  to attack her step mother,  sorry but I v nothing to do with it, their  argument  had a bad impression on the employees and divided in two groups 
Does Charlotte have a key to your house 
She could get one made easily  but why do you ask she is daughter of the owner 

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