Monday, May 30, 2022

gumshuda chaqu..

...Patricia stepped into her house  and  found two things,  the first was a  stranger was sitting there in the living room  and  Second  was  the  apartment was still cool,  her husband  Adam introduced  the man  as detective Moore,  the wird detective  frize her in the  doorway,  what could have happened  , the first thing she thought of was her children,  several doubts rose in her mind,  but Adam was cheerful and from the children's room she could hear them watching a movie
Karol  said Adam,  Karol was their  proprietor  is dead  , someone killed him,  Adam said softly 
Patricia  was shocked,  the grocery bag she carried slipped from her shoulders,  Moore  announced  the bad news  sorrowfully, he wore  Chicago police uniform  , he held a  notepad in his hands , he had already questioned  Adam now it was her turn to answer a few questions 
She was ready to answer  his  questions,  Adam picked up the grocery bag and carried it away,  she took off her coat and hung it in the cabinet  and came to sit down before  the detective  in a couch, the sun had  set  one hour ago,  the living room  was dimly lit by the  bulbs in the ceiling lamp , 
one of the bulbs was fused and just the other two were  casting light
Patricia asked him when did this happen 
His dead body was found a couple of hours ago in the evening 
In his apartment?
Right  there in his apartment , a worker who had come to repair the boiler in the building saw him first 
Karol owned the building  consisting of two  apartments but he cleverly  turned the basement into a third unit

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