Wednesday, May 11, 2022

page 20

... zeshan had spoken to a property dealer  regarding  the house he wanted to let on rent to tenants,  next morning  quite early  he  was there  with a party interested in  the house,  small family consisting of husband wife and their two kids,  the man  was a government employee,  they liked the house and also accepted all his terms and conditions,  , this matter settled  they  reached the village next day,  his  routined life  smoothly  went on, the villagers were exceptionally  nice,  their positive  thinking   improved zeshan  s life  and he began enjoying life once again 
Sameer also  became a better her, she began talking and laughing  but sometimes she  relapsed in complete   silent mode,  he had left her to herself,  some  time later he had to make a trip to the office of the accountant for his salary,  it was  not a difficult  or laboriius time consuming matter,  he was to be  free afterwards, so he thought of taking Sameer along  for an outing and  a treat,  it would do wonders for her,  she refused but on his  constant insistance  she finally agreed 
Throughout the bus journey she kept on staring at the passing scenes  from the window  in complete silence,  he unsuccessfully tried to engage her in a conversation but she didn't seem to show much interest so he gave up trying and sat back quietly too,  his stop arrived and he called her to get up, she didn't  hear him,  he shook her , her head leaning against the bus window fell on her side , she had turned blue and she was icy cold 

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