Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Dana pani

...it was a nightmare of a night hanging heavy on Murad, he couldn't shut his eyes  even for a second,  he had for the first time seen  mother's  this aspect  that Murad wished for something and  tajur would run to get it,  then what happened  that Murad  wanted motia and  she refused  this time,  he wasn't to find  answers to this question in all the books of law piled up in his  house,  he was  a most obedient  to mother  hus unconditional  loyalty to her was unsurpassed,  he expressed it his love for her when he was asked  , tajur  would say it was  a test,  all night long he made taj mahal  from the match sticks  kept on the table,  his  dream  of the Taj mahal he would accommodate  motia,  his tajmahal   was without   any door 

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