Saturday, November 26, 2022

page 110

....that night  as she lay down in her cot her head began spinning  like a manufacturing factory of thoughts circling around appa ji  and her condition and  things happening with her,  all the   recent events  had shaken her up, , what kind of business animosity it was, ,  this question went a step further turning into another question  and  it was  what business appa ji was doing,  who was  vadhera,  what did he want from her, , what had happened between them that he decided to finish her , bigger than this question was  what next,  was appa ji  going to maintain this deadly animosity  ,  what consequences were to follow,  what was at stake,  she  got tired  thinking over these  happenings and  stood up out of her bed
She wanted to see  appa ji before going to bed,  perhaps she had regained her consciousness,  there were four more rooms besides the  guest room and dining room,  appa ji was in one of the  four rooms 

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