Wednesday, November 2, 2022


..lshanza stood before the mirror  clad in something like a tight black jumper suit,  she gathered her long lush hair  and covered them with a  cap for men, she then took out a sharp dagger from her bag to slip it in her tight bkack leg pocket just under the knee on the shin with a small lady pistol,  again sge surveyed her reflection in the mirror  before turning the room light off, she craned her head out into complete silence this was the middle of the night when usually all are fast asleep,  she was certain the whole haveli slept  peacefully at that hour for she had  mixed half of the  contents of the bottle she had stolen from the hakim s place  into the dinner of the haveli,  that was sleeping pills bottle,  it was certain nobody was waking before next  day
She opened the door to close it after her before racing silently tiptoeing towards the outside wall where she  jumped up to catch the upper edge of the wall  acrobatically  crossing over on the other side,  it was one  at night,  she had  chosen this hour  carefully  so nobody  in the village  could  even accidentally  come across her 

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