Sunday, November 20, 2022

page 83

...batul felt  either she was crazy or motiya gone mad,  for past half  hour  she had been narrating  what all was happening in the haveli  and  motiya was  merely nodding  now and then  picking up the red berries with  her hand covered with her veil  stuffing her mouth  , the berries were  collected by ner , batul  failed to see  any traces of worries  in her eyes  or attitude  nor did she  enquire about  Mahnoor  , in fact she showed no curiosity nor interest in any one 
Perhaps  motiya thought  batul was lying about  mahnoor and Murad  got engaged  , she was absolutely  engrossed in berries,  it was irking batul, her comment made  motiya lift her head to look directly  at her  and offer her a berry  before explaining   that Murad had promised her he would ask for her hand in marriage  so it  means he will do so,  she even saw the chaudhrain  come in her dream  so there wasn't any  need to get so worried,  motiya gave her  berries to eat,  her confidence  was so strong  batul  fumed  and became speechless 

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