Monday, March 27, 2023

bhagoda's  a story when  the narrator  found himself free  after a murder case investigation,  he could relax,  he was  in his office   , three army men  arrived,  tgeir senior introduced them and asked for  someone  by name if he lived in the village,  it was their official  duty, Warhammer Singh had  spent his leave in the village and   when he didn't reach  his  camp  his search began,  deserters were   first  looked  for by the military  and later the local police was involved to find the  deserters,  the men were in the village police station just for that purpose  to inform them about  the deserter, the narrator sent his  junior to bring the village  seniors and someone from the house of warranty, the army men left  instructing him to keep them updated of all the developments 
Anita Singh was warta s brother and the family was  in the farming  business,  his father was an old man  but had to work in the field  along with his sons 
The narrator was a  shrewd  police man and  felt ajut Singh was a decent  and good person,  perhaps he was just back from  the fields,  his clothes were soiled,  his face sweated from the hard work 
He was asked  waryam Singh didn't return to  report  on his job , where else could he go,  what did they have to say on this matter,  didn't they know it was a  crime not to  join  his duty in the army  and  according to the military law  he could be punished,  if they knew anything about Warhammer Singh  and his whereabouts  it should be  quickly  reported  , he would be  found and arrested,  ajut looked worried hearing all these  consequences,  he took off his  native shoes from his tired feet,  then sat down on the floor  and said Warhammer had gone back to join his job and didn't run away 

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