Sunday, March 26, 2023

from previous

...the night  quietly slipped into the second phase,  naghin was trying very hard unsuccessfully to see our of the window into the darkness  spread out  fir miles  , nothing was visible,  , failed in love  he was  a wizard with words,  , whose etes could construct images  from tiny snarling  fireflies in the dark,  separated from  gazal he had mastered the  art of   composition,  but   for past some days  in the  pitch dark night  sparkling fireflies  stopped  creating  images  instead  they  would turn into  a particular face ,  showing her features , her etes
He was a loving person,  he knew it very well his heart   longed to beat  n love  once again , his  natural  instinct  told him to move on in life and forget his  unfulfilled love affair to simply  welcome  future happiness  with open mind because his new love stood  there  at his  threshold  
, he could  feel the  eyes of love,  laughter of love,  sorrows of love,  he decided to  commence  on this journey  in a casual manner,  be sighed deeply and glan ced at the   plain engagement  card he held in his right hand,  perhaps  he was  destined   to traveling , he  put the card away on the side table  before   arranging the  window curtains,  , likewise  life  also demands   curtains  pulled over several scenes to hide  dark disappointments  related to them 

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