Sunday, May 7, 2023

Naseeb ki barshein was her first day in the university,  studying in the department of journalism  and writing  columns in the newspapers  was her ultimate dream but her this dream wasn't coming up  and today she was  feeling her dream was come true,  she enthralled in that  rapturous moment savoring  it
She sat very close to the door  therefore  every one entering the  room had to walk past her,  it was right here on these seats by the door her mother and father had   completed their  degrees in journalism 
Tgat was Abadallaslam  khursheed mehdi Hasan and waris mir Era and they all contemporaries  now that  Era was over,  with  new masters   students and their times also had changed  yet the building remained the same 
Sir fayaz had come in to the class room  and started  roll call one by one introductions were made 
Faiza masood jami
She introduced herself  , her abba nasood jami was also a student here 
Are you  masood jami s daughter 
, sur fayaz s voice  reverberated with  respect,  so happy to have you here as a student,  wishing you  would prove  your father's  daughter 
Absolutely installation her voice  was strong with hopeful  trust 
The first two rows were  for the girls,  the boys  occupied  the right  side benches  and all the  vacant seats were  filled with boys but this trend in this course was    overuled and both gender students  divided the classroom fifty fifty  in two equal halves 
She was  engrossed in her thoughts  when her reverie was  shattered by a female voice from the  last seat  introducing herself  roshni farhan
Faiza  wanted  to turn around to see that girl but how could she break discipline in the class in the presence of the master and turn to see the speaker 

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