Wednesday, May 17, 2023

page 73

Inspector Karam daad  left home for office  like every day schedule  , a taxi lazily passed by before him,  he promptly jumped up opened the door and got in and instructed the driver to  follow the  taxi  ahead,  it looks so suspicious 
The driver explained he had to  follow the taxi in front because it was  towing his 

During a hotel  seminar two experts neuro psychology  happen to come across each other,  both knew each other,  one of them gave a smile  and said hello to the other,  tge other didn't respond at all  instead he began scratching his head as he stood by a pillar thinking what could be the  purpose of  the smile and hello 
Two hours later he finally got his query sorted out,  that the purpose of hello to him was merely  a greeting 

Majid sahib asked  sharing sahib why was he arguing to give a big discount when he never paid for the groceries in years and  always his account was carried forward 
Sharing sahib explained the lesser the amount  the bill showed the lesser the loss of the poor shopkeeper 

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