Thursday, May 11, 2023

page 43

....the party was on its full swing,  the  live band  changed the   tune   so sensational that sent ripples of   intrinsic  joy through the crowd,  the saxophone played  intoxicating  exoticness  filling their hearts with unspeakable desires
Mervin was a  music and dancing wizard unbeatable  and  unstoppable,  tge jazz band  had created an awesome magical atmosphere,   the band was  enchanting and  the air musically drunken,  mervin  could feel an odd  sensitivity in her legs,  the crowd simply was impatient to go to the  dance floor  but mervin  was kept involved by the hostess of the party Mrs deller
Who was  in full seriousness instructing Mervyn to take care of herself like in a green house  then she explained  what exactly green house was to grow delicate  foliage under controlled conditions  with green sheets shades  that allow   filtered sunlight and oxygen to enter the enclosure and  carbondyoxide  methane nitrates ozone and the likes  can't  
Most dealers definitely enjoyed talking on her favorite subject of green house  but Mervyn never liked  gardening  in the first place 

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