Tuesday, September 26, 2023

from previous

....next morning the storm subsided  , but it was  constantly snowing,  the  temperatures were  freezing below  minus,  whole  town was  under the seige of surrounding  winds, , Lenny ordered their breakfast from the nearby restaurant  which was home delivered,  , Oscar had no rations stored  because he ate outside in restaurants,  after the breakfast was over she asked Oscar to go the police station  that he instantly refused,  Lenny became thoughtful,  he had  before getting married had  broken up,  what else  was expected from him in the future 
Lenny walked out from the flat and  headed towards the taxi stand  and chose a taxi,  giving the driver  instructions to go to the police station,  as she had expected he was overcharging  the fare, her limited resources were rapidly  lessening  now she had  to use her security  amount  kept in the bank  for emergency purposes,  there was no other option 
Taxi moved towards the police station,  taking her seat in the back in the taxi  Lenny changed her mind to marry Oscar 

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