Wednesday, September 27, 2023

maqtool jazbey

... the  eid moon  had appeared  , eid means  celebrating life,  people  were  full of energy excitement and  enthusiasm  every man woman  young and all ages  faces shone  happily,  the visitor of eid moon  doubled the joy in emotional weight volume,  so that night was to be  a moonlit night  , the night  of staying awake  celebrating  the moon  
Those who  breathed freedom were absolutely happy  but  the  inmates of the central jail were also  actively involved in celebrating  the festival even if they couldn't be with their loved ones together  yet  it would be a pity to waste the moment of happiness 
They had learnt to live together like a family  and  sayyad khan was one of them,  a loner amongst the crowd,  distant and silent,  content with himself,  he sat  watching the sunset from his cell  when some men  approached him,  khadar enthusiastically explained it was  eid day,  of course sayyad knew it his tone was serious and manner somber,  he had  heard  the eid moon had been seen 

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