Saturday, September 9, 2023


....experience  whether  pleasant or unpleasant  is inevitable,  every experience   teaches a new lesson,  experiences   are meant only to teach and learn from life,  so never  try to avoid  experiencing new experiences in life  good or bad,  these experiences only give you  more understanding and add more  meaning to life 
After this short  preface  I will come to the main point,  this story  revolver round two sisters  who live in Karachi,  sadya and rabya, , Sadya was ten years older to  rabya, , life circumstances  had   shifted the  blame murder of rabya on her, , the narrator is the writer  lawyer who took up her case   , one fine morning  he finished his breakfast  and was ready to leave for the court  when the land-line phone  began ringing,  , alhumdolilla, he recognized  badar sahib both cheerfully  exchanged greetings,  badar sahib was a happy go lucky type of a man,  he was quick to  laugh and  enjoy  any situation,  but he was trustworthy  and interesting person, 
He began explaining   by asking what was the date that day,  it was first of January,  in a most serious of tones  badar sahib  praised his memory,  the lawyer didn't understand what was the matter,  badar sahib slowly  unfolded his point,  wasn't it true that his lawyer friend  once a year  took up a genuine case for free  , a golden rule he practiced for years , so it was the year s first day, the  day had not begun  and  a case was  arrived,  someone anonymously was helping  a female accused  and was ready to pay fifty percent because of his  poor financial condition,  if the accused knew of it she would  refuse to cooperate and then badar sahib and  the lawyer friend  must  divide the expenses between them,   the lawyer couldn't resist to  see  them  all fir himself 

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