Sunday, December 3, 2023

from previous

.....zarun , where is khala jan
, biryani was cooked at home,  he liked having biryani often,  , saba  had cooked the biryani and  for her nephew  first of all  piled up a huge amount and kept the plate for him and  given it to hadya, who holding the  plate  went around looking for him,  he must be in his room,  nada explained lovingly,  , she  was special to nada  who dreamed of  bringing  her home as his son's bride,  haryana was  quite aware of her feelings for her,  every time  she visited them she was  very warmly  welcomed 
Get going  dear, biryani is getting cold, bhabhi also had emerged from her room hearing voices,  she also was   one  with phuphu   to get  hadya married into the family,  hadya would make a wonderful  bride, daughter in law and  bhabhi s junior, , embarrassed  she proceeded with a smile,  , wao, biryani exclaimed  zarun who had  just  arrived there,  he snatched the plate and  stuffed a generous mouthful  , it was delightfully delicious as expected,  saba khala was expert biryani  chef, everyone liked her cooking 
Girlie, you too learn something from her,  he shouted a slogan in favor of khala  long live  khala,  hadya and zarun were close friends,  he  had informally casually  slapped her on the head and spoken in a simple manner 

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