Wednesday, December 13, 2023

from previous

Yasmin was about twenty five,  completed his inter in science,  he haled  from a small town,  his parents wanted him to  become a doctor,  that's why he had taken up that stream,  he  was honestly a work hard student,  he left no stone  unturned  regarding his studies  but his bad luck  unsettled his  life routine , not exactly  a misfortune  but a social flaw , Yasmin had obtained eighty percent in his finals,  exceptionally  capable  but  he failed to get admission in any medical college,  his financial condition wasn't   letting him  stand up for himself  and pursue his career,  he was put off his  heart heavy , he put aside his studies  and  started  doing  petty jobs for a living,  when  someone's  dream   glass castle is shattered,  his life fills up with   restlessness,   unrest grips his mind leading to  deep sorrow,  the  turn life had taken  was for him impossible to   get rid off , he became lonesome  arguing with himself  a student couldn't become  a doctor with eighty percent marks  , what a bitter truth   that  medical  college seats are  available to auction  and sold to wealthy sons   with sixty percent of wealthy men ,  when money speaks  nobody checks grammar,  merit is not seen  , poor students  with brains are ignored,  the wealthy  control the play of education,  such worrying  thoughts  incessantly hammered on his sensitive mind

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