Friday, December 22, 2023

page 107

.......Your progress is showing  commented danyal  his tone laced with hidden envy  to faruq, within three months your  paunch is flattened and  and built a muscular body,  both were s I in the crime task force gossiping 8n the  office,  both were  free of the  police department  management working independently of the force yet for it,  like the f b I they worked  to catch the serial killers,   successfully solving   the highlighted  on the  media cases,  the  command of this special force was  in the  hands of inspector nazya kirmani,  most competent  and reliable and  brainy , invited to all high profile meetings arranged by her seniors,  her  presence  was quite important and impressive,  the head  office was situated in a posh area  in a beautiful attractive location,  in a hall of the building   a wooden partition  was  raised   to  run five  cabin offices and in one of those cabins  sat chatting  faruq and  danyal,  other cabins were  not occupied that time,  their colleagues were on the field work or outside job
Faruq was stepped into his forties,  for some time  he was  given desk job instead of field work the  reason he  had put on weight  , including danyal all his  cooffice staff  expressed their concerns,  he was himself  a fitness  fad , he was number two after nazya for every mission  , field work and action , physically active  ready to jump  on the slightest of gesture  and tip off 
Come on, this is not a police station  where nobody bothers how much  fat layers you have put on you said danyal  in low tones,  anyway madam  nazya   from her last experience likes her force agents to be  perfectly fit in every way 
Graham was nazya  s husband  who was martyered  in action,  they worked together,  she had brought him to this special force  but  he wasn't  physically fit for  c t f

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