Saturday, December 30, 2023

raston me bikhar gayi

She thought her younger siblings  were  deprived of the  taste of sweetness of father's affections because  their abba jan  had left this world many years ago  , yet  the brightness of his lovely eyes  and his adorable smile   and his strong arms  and the  grip of his hands  had been  guiding her all along,  she always felt his protective presence around her,  the only  benefit of being a first born is you get to live more with your parents,  you gain more  and have a bigger treasure of memories  and then  responsibilities  befall  reducing you to  nothing,  amna hyder  was a new member in the staff,  tall and wholesome,  complete personality  and beautiful,  silent searching etes  this was  amazing hyder 
How deceptive is the   matter of friendship,   their unknown  bond started  by their likemindedness,  both  were similar in nature kindhearted and virtuous,  amna  hyder and noshin nazir
Noshin was   a teacher of urdu literature,  amna of physical education  extraordinary and  matchless 
Why don't you simply relax sometime always  riding a flying horse,  sweating and dusty and tired  amna lifted her eyes up
Can't this fan  move any faster  she pointed towards the fan
Not at all,  because it's already  on its maximum full speed  
Let's go to the computer lab,  there is room  air-conditioning 

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