Tuesday, January 9, 2024

jhoota jasoos

He wasn't  a cheat by nature but the nature of his work demands he cheated,  lies are affective like bullet shots  all that one has to do is take aim and  fire at the chosen target,  as a result  some  get injured one such wounded victim was  jolly Samson  who took him  to her living room  and said  her sister  died a week ago  she wanted to find out  how and in what circumstances did she die
Jolly was  in her late fifties  touching sixty but amazingly she didn't look her years,  clad in designer jeans  ,,English rose  warm woollen sweater,  silver ear rings   she looked young 
Greg her husband appeared  had not  bought  new trendy  clothes for himself in ages,  he was completely comfortable in his  old t shirt   ragged jeans and  worn out tennis shoes,  absolutely bald with  a couple of remnants of hair standing on his head stubbornly  not succumbing to his comb
The visitor  explained that the county medical  examiner   declared  Nancy  died   a natural  death,  but jolly  had som unexplained reason to believe otherwise  perhaps  Nancy was  murdered 
Jolly didn't really know what exactly she  believed  but  last week  when her sister Nancy died  she overlooked  the possibility  of murder  but now  careful thinking  makes her feel it was not a natural death,  Nancy  enjoyed a healthy  life  and couldn't have died suddenly of nothing  , all we  want from  you is to investigate  the case 

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