Sunday, February 9, 2025

from previous

.... for some unknown reasons she woke up late today,  perhaps both  spent the night talking,  thankfully  they  caught the tram quickly,   life is  full swing on  the roads of Rome in Italy,  both had same  office timings,  season of spring   adds  exotic beauty to the city of Rome  turning the historical city into a fabulous sensational place,  this city buries many extraordinary historical secrets inside  itself and  is a hub of several cultures,  yet this city  tirelessly   welcomes and entertains peoples and  never becomes old , , why did she arrive here believing  her life will be fulfilled  all her dreams will come true  but nothing like that happened,  the  attractions of the fantastic city held nothing for her,  her hopes were shattered,  sitting inside the tram she sighed  and turned to look out of the window   at the faces  walking around  , not a single face was familiar  all of them were absolutely strangers 
She wasn't  like this before,  how time  changes people  dramatically she thought,  she used to be so carefree fun loving person,  life  suddenly  scattered so many problems  on her  , it was something unexpected 
Her father was a mechanical engineer  settled  in Italy for the past eighteen years,  they were two sisters,  life was good,  then  something unpredictable happened,  father  started withdrawing  financial assistance,  , mother sherwat asked father,  he explained  he was going through financial crisis,  he had no job  that's why he couldn't afford to spend more 
She assured her father not to worry at all and doing her f s c she  took up a job , life was still good and things were  working out well 

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