The sea held all it's emotions deep down inside yet appears so silent peaceful, the times are so disciplined and follow the paradigm of touching the shores and returning accurately and systematically tirelessly, not questioning not answering, don't they ever get exhausted isn't it frustrating but the sea remains peaceful with all its actively rising and crashing rippling waves , is it mandatory to have depth for maintaining silence and peacefulness., it is said only those hearts receive peacefulness that are like seas , waves always return from the sides to disappear their identity peacefully back into the depths of the seas , the heart throbs emotional waves chaotic turbulences ruse and fall and then the dear heart finds eternal peacefulness finally, it stops bothering about its surroundings and becomes sensitive to retain peacefulness, only those hearts find peacefulness that seek peacefulness
Many a times there are many possibilities she thought why couldn't sge find what she wanted, she dusted her hands lifting them from the damp cool sand and stood up and turned to look at the sun set casting its last golden glow
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