Thursday, February 20, 2025

from previous

..are you married 
The accused  instantly  retorted  he was  once upon a time married the  lawyer asked if his wife was dead 
No he shook his head  calmly  sge was alive and somebody else's companion 
So that is it, the  prosecution  cleverly  kept on asking  loaded questions 
So you gave divorce to your wife 
No she took khula
 His strength of serenity  was praiseworthy 
Woman usually goes fir the option of khula  when she is not happy with her husband  and  the husband is not ready to give her a divorce 
Absolutely this is commonly seen the accused  replied  shortly 
The court would like to know  what exactly was your wife's complaint against you  that sge was forced to take khula 
The defense lawyer objected at this point,  the client's  past was not relevant to the case 
The prosecution  insisted he was  trying to prove his point  it was a delicate    but important question 
Objection overruled  declared the judge in his  heavy voice 

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