Sunday, February 16, 2025

page 19

 I am Walid hasin , could I ask your name,  I dare to ask because  now we no longer are strangers to each other 
Araz Ibrahim  this time she revealed her name without any hesitation , 
Fine this was our introduction  to get ourselves out of the circle of  unfamiliarity,  he came to stand next to the rock she was perched on 
Actually didn't get out of the circle restricting  us but from one  circle got out to get into another circle 
He screwed his eyes 
Introductions allow one to  enter  new circle,  it becomes mandatory to follow new rules to remain  active in the new circle,  she clutched her  wind swept hair with her hands,  Walid looked at her deeply  
You speak well  philosophically,  it's not really difficult to carry your identity in a different  country 
She  sat upright startled 
Nit at all,  this is what makes us different from other people 
Walid astonished looked a bit  longer at araz,  suddenly she started to appear  one of his  kind  and not so strange  remote and unfamiliar 

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