Tuesday, June 21, 2022

from previous

...he woke up to the bleating of the little goat, Rahim had left his  small  herd  to graze in a green  grassy piece of land and  fell asleep under a shade tree, startled he stared at the goat  that was shrieking impatiently  constantly with its head turned towards other direction,  Rahim followed the gaze of the screaming goat   , he saw a boy his age was picking up and  carrying the goat  away rapidly climbing up the slope,  Rahim  clenched his fists in rage and  rushed to rescue the goat from being stolen  , soon enough Rahim caught up with him, the boy was clad in city clothes  and reaching the riad above he spoke to tbe man bent on the bonnet of a car  ...papa papa save me  Rahim had managed to grab him from his collar,  the man turned quickly and wiping his dirty hands with a piece of cloth walked towards the boys
Rahim said  sir  look your son has stolen my little goat 
The city boy denied the  accusation saying he didn't steal it but liked it and picked it up and brought it back with him 
, no dear son, never pick up things that belong to others without their permission 

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