Saturday, June 4, 2022

from previous

...Jamil spoke to Adil   he had instantly  comprehended  seeing the clipping in the news paper  that tabana  s family was not right,  alham   s association with  tabana was harmful for the innocent girl  but  the question is is tabana really  capable of going that far  and take such an extreme step,  at that moment  harfu baba  panting  rushed into the room  , he told Adil  there were  two  flower  pots found broken by the gate,  he asked him to see for himself,  , both brothers  Adil and Jamil followed the baba to the flower bed near  the gate,, the lawn was grassy and  garden lights were on , harfu was right  someone had  stood there  been there  for  the footprints were  all around  and two  mud pots were smashed up, it couldn't possibly be  a cat  because the footprints belonged to human being  s, Adil was forced to think  what alham had shared with him there was one warning the manager in the judo club  and tabana and her mother were  very close to him,  ge us their trusted man  on whom  tabana  leaves all the responsibility of the club,  Adil along with  Jami reached the club, it was a semi commercial area with a modern  building,  the neon  sign if the new age club was shining  over the building 

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