Thursday, June 16, 2022

page 29

.....hearing her point Ahmed  jumped up with surprise,  how could this be possible 
Why not , marriage is not a sin, almighty nowhere commanded that single  women widiws and separated cannot remarry, had8sh mentions several  such marriages,  she spoke confidently  and he became thoughtful 
He assured her he would think up of something  but it was debatable,  ammi  could definitely react negatively 
Sge promised to take care of everything if ge was with her and supportive of her plans,  he certainly could never  leave her  he was always beside her, he spoke in a dramatic  manner 
She reached shammo khala  who chanted  just three  names of bhabhi bhata and baji , if she  agreed  all would be taken care of , , she will be married to a compatible  person just like her, he had a woman in his life  but fir a short time  but khala  with you and him it will definitely work out for life 

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