Thursday, March 17, 2016

nakam fateh--

--hong  was  the  main security  in  charge  of  the  camp,  he  got  a  call  from the  camp  gauard  that  two  korean  teams  had  attacked  their  base  camp  on the  china  north korea  border  near  the  eucalyptus  forest ,  stolen  micro wave, computers  and radio  and  abducted  the  nurse,  hong  who  slept  in his  uniform reached with  fur  cap  and  an over  coat  at the  camp  in a  moment  to  see  the  north korean  uniforms  fading  away  in distance  , he  instructed  the  vehicles  to  follow  them quickly  and began  moving  in the  same  direction, he  had  almost   reached  the  outer   line  of  the  forest  when he  heard  the  jeep  approaching  in the  back, turning  he  saw  dang  at  the  driving  seat  , hong's  trusted  man  asking  him to  jump  into  the  passenger   seat  , he  had   been in the  camp  only  six  months , he  had  to  deal  mostly  with bar girls, meanial  workers  who  did  the  washing , cooking  and  cleaning  in the  camp  for  the  army , he  had  to  pick up  the  spoken chinese  and  now  both  dang  and  hong  conversed  in broken  dialects  and  understood  each other  quite  well

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